08:00: Registration and Networking

8:55: Chairs opening address

09:00: Transforming cyber security with Generative AI - Looking at the dynamic and complex connection between cutting-edge Generative AI and the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. The UK's forward-thinking stance on AI innovation and responsibility, this talk will look at how to integrate GenAI into cybersecurity frameworks.

09:15: The crucial role of integrated ITAM - The crucial role that integrated ITAM plays a role in your cyber security strategy. Exploring the benefits of having a modern and integrated solution which provides Hardware Asset Management and Software Asset Management.

09:30: Responding to an evolving threat picture - Shifting the dial in the global conversation as to how organisations respond to an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Threats and technologies are evolving at a huge pace, scale, and complexity - and with our adversaries innovating just as fast - organisations need to make sure they are responding and innovating at pace, and consistently refreshing their thinking.

Looking at more radical - or even disruptive ways - thinking about cyber security and resilience, keeping cyberspace open and secure. Providing different approaches, as to what organisations must do to keep ahead of adversaries, and to stay a few steps ahead of the threat.

09:45: Combating the Triple Threat of Ransomware, Data Breaches, and Extortion Attacks - In today's world, cyber threats have the potential to harm businesses overnight. As a result, compliance is no longer a mere formality, but a crucial strategic consideration. We will explore ways to revamp your cyber security strategies to gain an advantage on the front line of cyber-security warfare.

10:00: Safeguarding Supply Chains Against Cyber Threats: Securing the backbone - In today's world of interconnectivity, the resilience of supply chains is crucial for business continuity. However, with the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, these networks are at significant risk. This presentation will explore the importance of enhancing the security of supply chains against evolving cyber threats.

10:20: Detecting and Investigating Threats in Cloud Environments - As the use of SaaS and Cloud Computing continues to increase, it is important to assess the impact of these technologies on our ability to detect and investigate cyber threats.

What are the latest technical advancements that allow us to better defend our cloud infrastructure? How can we access and analyze our logs effectively? Are we able to summarize the information into a meaningful output? Do we have the necessary tools, data, and processes to investigate effectively, especially if adversaries are living off the land? What role do machine learning and AI play in this context?

Defending the cloud presents multiple challenges. Many organizations struggle to access the information they need to manage their risks effectively. This raises the question of what changes we need to make to remain efficient in detecting and responding to threats across the enterprise. We also need to ensure that we have access to the right level of logging and that they are retained for a sufficient period. Additionally, we need to ensure that all of this works across vendors since we are using shared cloud infrastructure. Finally, we need to consider how we can better defend ourselves as a community to mitigate the risks effectively.

10:35: Coffee & Networking

11:15: Choose from one of two streams

11:45: Seminar change over

12:00: Choose from one of two streams

12:30: Lunch & Networking

13:45: Chairs opening address

14:00: Beyond Technology: The Human Factor in Cybersecurity - Building a Security Culture

  • Effective Security Training and Awareness Programs

  • Encouraging a Security-Conscious Mindset

14:30: Advanced Threats and Techniques

  • Zero-Day Exploits and Supply Chain Attacks

  • Cloud Security Challenges

14:45: The Future of Cybersecurity: Collaborative Solutions for a Connected World

15:00: Emerging Technologies and Security Implications

  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

  • Securing the Internet of Things (IoT)

15:20: Coffee & Networking

16:00: Announcement to be made in the coming weeks for this extremely key figure who has spent years working on cyber

17:00: Chairs closing remarks

18:00: The Cyber House Party - Let’s Dance the night away in support of charity